

André Will-Laudien

  • Energy
  • Ressources
  • Technology

Born in Munich, he first studied economics and graduated in business administration at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in 1995. As he was involved with the stock market at a very early stage, he now has more than 30 years of experience in the capital markets. In the historic year 2000, he trained as a CEFA analyst in Frankfurt and has since then accompanied over 20 IPOs in Germany.

Until 2018, he held various positions at banks as an asset manager, capital market and macro expert as well as fundamental equity analyst. He is passionate about the energy, commodity and technology markets as well as the tactical and strategic asset allocation of liquid investment products. As an expert speaker at investment committee meetings of funds as well as at customer events, he can still describe the course of the 1987 crash, one of the major buying opportunities of the last 33 years on the stock market.

Today, he knows that the profit in shares is not necessarily the result of buying cheaply, but above all of avoiding mistakes and recognizing in good time when markets are ready to let air out. After all, in addition to basic fundamental analysis, investing in stocks is above all a phenomenon of global liquidity and this must be monitored regularly.

Kommentare von André Will-Laudien

Kommentar von André Will-Laudien vom 10.07.2024 | 04:45

GLOBEX MINING - Two new gold properties added

  • Asset Management
  • Exploration
  • gold and silver
  • commodities

Unrest in the Chinese and Japanese banking sectors and ongoing geopolitical uncertainties are keeping precious metal prices high. Europe just voted, but the results have not brought more stability. Quite the opposite: the world is divided, and then there is the upcoming election in the US. In the televised duel between candidates Trump and Biden, the fact-denier clearly wins over the distracted one. What should voters do now? Choosing a suitable candidate doesn't exactly jump out at the voter. Will there soon be a reversal of globalization and a return to isolationism? Will Ukraine withstand the Russian attack? Questions upon questions upon questions. Those looking to add some security to their portfolio should take a look at the 249 properties of Globex Mining. Here lies security and plenty of returns.

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Kommentar von André Will-Laudien vom 14.06.2024 | 07:00

POWER NICKEL - Now the big players are buying

  • strategic metals
  • polymetals
  • gold and silver
  • copper
  • nisk
  • commodities

Canadian polymetallic expert Power Nickel is going from strength to strength. In the past few days, a new 8,000 m drilling program has been announced, and now a major player has joined in: Rob McEwen. He is best known as the founder of Goldcorp Inc., and under his leadership, the Company became one of the largest gold producers in the world. With his company, McEwen Mining, he was involved in several major projects, including the El Gallo Mine in Mexico and the San José Mine in Argentina. Now, he is involved with Power Nickel - and not without good reason. The top property, "Nisk" in mining-friendly Quebec, offers huge polymetallic deposits and still has plenty of potential for surprises.

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Kommentar von André Will-Laudien vom 04.06.2024 | 04:45

POWER NICKEL - World-class polymetallic discovery

  • Canada
  • battery metals
  • e-mobility
  • energy transition
  • commodities

+++ World-class discovery of nickel, copper, cobalt, gold, silver, lead, platinum and palladium
+++ Adjacent to a nearby to highway with direct access to green carbon neutral power
+++ Quebec, Canada, is one of the top jurisdictions for sustainable mining in the world
+++ Secured Dr. Steve Beresford, the top, internationally recognized geoscientist and polymetallic specialist as a special advisor

Miracle drill results could represent an opportune solution to the critical metals shortage. In a world of great geopolitical instability, industrial producers are seeking a secure supply of strategic metals. Power Nickel (ISIN: CA7393011092 | TSXV: PNPN) has large deposits of strategic metals in Canada. Having foundational similarities to the largest discoveries to date, the astonishing core results are uncovering just how large these deposits could be. Combine that with the best jurisdiction for raw materials and explosive growth is possible. The recent share price performance provides an early foretaste. Let's dive deeper!

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Kommentar von André Will-Laudien vom 14.05.2024 | 04:45

Share news: GLOBEX MINING - Raw materials in abundance

  • gold
  • silver
  • commodities
  • asset management
  • portfolio

The world is in turmoil. Numerous geopolitical conflicts, such as between China and Taiwan, as well as unrest in Argentina and the Kashmir region, are aggravating the political worldview almost daily. Added to this are the ongoing armed conflicts in Ukraine and between Israel and the Middle East. An escalation in which the US and NATO could also be involved can no longer be ruled out. Investors' need for security is, therefore, constantly increasing. If the central banks do little to combat inflation, the hope of interest rate cuts will likely remain unfulfilled for some time to come. This brings precious metals to the fore. Their prices have risen sharply in the last 6 months. Globex Mining's extensive commodity portfolio is facing a significant revaluation in this mixed situation.

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Kommentar von André Will-Laudien vom 08.05.2024 | 03:00

Share news: SATURN OIL + GAS - The next leap in growth

  • oil and gas
  • Canada
  • commodities
  • Sustainability

Despite all political efforts to make energy supply entirely renewable, it must be recognized that this goal will only be feasible in certain zones of the planet. In the northern hemisphere, there are many hydroelectric power plants, and solar and wind power are already being integrated into the global energy transition. However, in countries such as China, India and Brazil, demand is so great that it can only be met with fossil fuels. Producers of fossil resources exist around the globe, with the largest deposits currently found in Saudi Arabia, Russia, Africa and North and South America. Canada holds reserves for the next 250 years. Saturn Oil & Gas has set itself the task of building a medium-sized producer there. With the acquisition of further oil and gas assets in Saskatchewan, production capacity will increase to 38,000 to 40,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day - another transformative development.

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Kommentar von André Will-Laudien vom 25.03.2024 | 04:45

Share news: ASPERMONT - In pole position for commodities

  • b2b
  • energy
  • plattform
  • mining

Information is the necessary oxygen for the capital markets. Given rising inflation rates, geopolitical uncertainties and disrupted supply chains, international networking is more important than ever. The world is in a phase of deglobalization, in which dependence on distant suppliers reveals the vulnerability of industrial business models. Anyone purchasing large quantities of raw materials and supplies today is looking for reliable partners and secure transportation routes. The Australian company Aspermont can look back on a 560-year history and has been actively building its network of decision-makers for several years. The Company collects important industry information from the industrial and raw materials sectors. The business approach is now proving to be a blockbuster in a changing world. With the publication of the 2023 figures, Aspermont highlights important fundamental changes for the future. The change has begun, and it is happening fast!

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Kommentar von André Will-Laudien vom 18.03.2024 | 04:45

Share news: DESERT GOLD - The train is leaving the station

  • Gold
  • Afrika
  • Exploration
  • commodities

The gold price is in a good mood again. After forming a top between USD 1,600 and USD 2,100 for almost four years, it managed to break above the old high in March. The new all-time high now stands at USD 2,195. It is no wonder that this new level needs to be solidified first. Last week, the precious metal consolidated slightly to USD 2,150. In the medium term, this is not a disaster, as investors have now rediscovered the asset class. Initially, the producers of gold and silver have already risen by 10 to 15% from their lows. A special story is unfolding in Mali, West Africa. Here, Desert Gold is progressing step by step and attracting a lot of attention. The price of the favourable share has already doubled. So, the train has left the station, and the potential for a takeover is a multiple of the current valuation.

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Kommentar von André Will-Laudien vom 14.03.2024 | 04:45

Share news: SATURN OIL + GAS - New record highs for 2023

  • oil and gas
  • Raw materials
  • Canada

Fossil fuels have been in high demand again in recent months. On the one hand, global conflicts and the operation of weapons technology are not devouring solar power, and on the other, the German government has cut short its own e-mobility strategy by ending the environmental bonus. The desire for momentum in this area now gives way to harsh reality. Sales of e-cars are falling so sharply that German premium manufacturers are once again considering new combustion models. All of these trends play into the hands of the Canadian commodities company Saturn Oil & Gas. For several years now, the Company has recognised the increased demand for oil and gas and is consistently expanding its production capacities. Figures have now been released for 2023 that represent a quantum leap for the still-young company.

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Kommentar von André Will-Laudien vom 07.02.2024 | 04:45

Share news: DESERT GOLD - All signs point to a storm

  • Gold
  • Afrika
  • Exploration
  • commodities

Amid ongoing geopolitical tensions, gold is increasingly emerging as a safe-haven currency. While global gold mine production has risen by 26% since 2010, it has increased by almost 60% in Africa and more than doubled in at least 10 African countries. Africa has traditionally been a major producer of raw materials, deriving its economic growth from the establishment of mining operations. In Ghana, for example, currently Africa's largest gold producer, gold accounts for around a quarter of the value of total annual exports. If gold mining is carried out responsibly, it can act as a catalyst for significant positive change. Canadian explorer Desert Gold has been active in Mali since 2015 and is now entering the most exciting phase in the Company's history.

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Kommentar von André Will-Laudien vom 02.02.2024 | 04:45

Share news: SATURN OIL + GAS - New resource assessment gives wings

  • oil and gas
  • Raw materials
  • Canada

In the international concert of the energy transition, it is up to resource-rich countries to continue supplying their abundant reserves to the market. Europe is naturally not very well endowed with significant oil or gas reserves, so the focus is more on renewable energy sources. However, anyone who needs fossil fuels is bound to turn to external suppliers for their energy requirements. Industrial sectors that traditionally cannot do without oil or gas due to established manufacturing processes are particularly affected. At the onset of the Ukraine crisis, the German government turned to the raw materials giant Canada and negotiated extensive supplies of LNG gas and strategic metals. The Canadian raw materials company Saturn Oil & Gas has recognized this demand and is consistently expanding its production capacities. The crucial factor in this context is the conviction that fossil energy will still be needed for many decades. Saturn Oil & Gas is, therefore, ideally positioned today.

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