With fast cuts into the consciousness of millions of TV viewers
What do the Belgian chocolatier Godiva, Southwest Airlines, the leisure and tourism company Royal Caribbean and Clemson University in the US state of South Carolina have in common? They have all been featured in an episode of "Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid". The popular infotainment format aims to open up new perspectives for its viewers by presenting unique social groups, organizations and companies. For an episode on the possibilities of biotechnology, the award-winning team at Viewpoint is now collaborating with Defence Therapeutics.

In a short film of just a few minutes, that will be aired on the US broadcasting network PBS, Viewpoint will highlight current developments in biotechnology. Using Defence Therapeutics as an example, the film will demonstrate how innovative companies are utilizing new scientific insights to push the boundaries of what is practically possible, ultimately achieving medical advancements for patients. PBS is part of a network of 348 non-commercial local stations in the US and is most popular for its documentary series. "Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid," with its fast cuts, practical topics, and a duration of three to six minutes, is well-suited to bringing complex subjects closer to a broad audience.
"Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid" as an institution on US TV
Organizations and companies that want to be part of "Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid" must achieve exceptional things within their industry and pursue topics worthy of being brought to the outside world. The format's editors carefully select topics and participants. The series, which runs on CNN, Fox News and CNBC in addition to numerous regional stations, has gained popularity due to its high-quality production and host and actor Dennis Quaid. Quaid is best known for his films "Far from Heaven," "Innerspace", and the sports film "Any Given Sunday." The latter film was produced by Oliver Stone, and Quaid starred alongside Al Pacino and Cameron Diaz, among others.
But what does Defence Therapeutics and its stock gain from having the management and research team of the Canadian innovation leader be part of "Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid"? Since participation requires editorial selection and the series has high credibility, the collaboration with the media format should provide progress on several levels at once. On the one hand, the film, which will highlight Defence's current research projects, among other things, will create awareness of challenges in medicine and the potential for their solutions. At the same time, it puts Defence Therapeutics more in the focus of potential investors. In addition to broadcasting on public stations, where the focus is on informing viewers, the team also produces a promotional film. It updates around one million subscribers on an email newsletter on the respective topic.

Accum™ as a multi-tool around CRISPR, mRNA and co.
This publicity could come in handy for Defence Therapeutics. The Company plans to advance three Phase I trials at once in 2023, all of which rely directly or indirectly on its patented Accum™ technology. An ARM vaccine against various forms of cancer has already achieved 100% efficacy in mice and is considered revolutionary due to its design. A protein-based vaccine against cervical cancer could have both prophylactic and therapeutic benefits. And the chemotherapeutic AccuTOX™**, a potentiated form of Accum™, has already won over the prestigious City of Hope Research Hospital in the Los Angeles area, where the Phase I trial is scheduled to begin this year.
Although Defence Therapeutics is already well advanced in the three fields of application mentioned above, "Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid" is also likely to target the potential applications of Accum™ technology in connection with the "gene scissors" CRISPR, which allows damaged genetic information to be exchanged, for example, or mRNA technology, which promises novel vaccines. The public associates this with, for example, curing genetic defects or even cancer, as well as breakthroughs in infectious diseases, such as HIV.

Interim conclusion: Attention for a good cause
Let's be honest: Nobel Prize laureates are made in the lab - not on camera. But for innovative technologies to gain access to research funding or potential collaboration partners, sometimes a certain amount of publicity is needed. Defence Therapeutics won over the team at "Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid" with its work and will be the subject of an episode on biotechnology that will air across the US. This kind of attention can only benefit the Company, which is aiming for the Nasdaq. This is especially true given the exciting stage the Company is currently in. In addition to three upcoming Phase I trials, the Company is expecting results in the coming weeks from a study that will further illuminate the role of Accum™ as an adjuvant technology in mRNA.
To this end, Defence Therapeutics has pitted a "naked" mRNA vaccine against one in combination with Accum™. Results are imminent. Since Accum™ can be combined with other mRNA adjuvant technologies, a new market could emerge for Defence Therapeutics from the mRNA fantasy. The stock has stabilized around EUR 2 and now also shows an exciting perspective from a chart perspective again.

The update is based on the initial report 12/2021